

Hey Friend and welcome to my tiny corner of the worldwide web! I’m Tiffany. I am a woman of faith, wife, and mom of three (ages 7, 3, and 1). I am also a Registered Nurse with 12 years of experience in the pharmaceutical/clinical research industry. Despite my work in the pharmaceutical industry, I have a passion for holistic health and natural living. It took me awhile to get here, though. Growing up, I didn’t really believe that healthy foods could have much of an effect on one’s health. I hated vegetables. I hated cooking. When I was in nursing school, one of my friends said to me, “Everytime I see you eat, you are eating processed food from a package.” When I started working, I would bring four frozen breakfast sandwiches loaded with sodium and artificial ingredients to work everyday. In 2012, I was pregnant with my first daughter and read a book that changed my life; it put me on the journey that I am on today—the natural living journey!

Since 2012, I gave expressvnp中文官网to my children naturally (the last one was a little different); breastfed all my babies (the first two kids were breastfed for two years and I am still breastfeeding my one-year old) switched to healthier, high-quality foods (I recently started buying raw milk and foods from local farms with beyond organic practices); traded in my toxic personal care/household products for safer (and better!) ones; started taking non-GMO, whole-food supplements; and fell in love with pure essential oils.

I am constantly reminded that living a healthy life can be tough, especially when fake foods are way cheaper and more readily available than real, whole foods. I am currently recovering from a painful and itchy psoriasis flare on my hands that finally started to subside after more than five months. Allowing my skin to heal naturally has forced me to overhaul my diet, change my lifestyle (again), and see some new health practitioners. But you know what? It’s worth it! If you are feeling overwhelmed about making health changes, I know that it is hard. If you are feeling overwhelmed, just take one small step—and give yourself grace if you stumble on that one small step. Just keep going. When you feel ready, add another step. All those small steps will eventually lead to a life of more energy and vitality. That is my hope for you, Friend. Come and join me on my natural living journey!

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